Pay your vendors effortlessly

  • Simplify payable processing

    Talipay reduces the time and effort required to pay vendors by connecting to your ticket data to track payables.

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  • Manage offsets to payables

    Talipay eliminates the headache of tracking vendor charges by allowing you to offset them directly against your payables.

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  • Easily pay your vendors

    Talipay offers peace of mind with accurate digital ACH payments at the click of a button.

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  • Simplify accounts payable processing

    • Integrate with your transportation management system to link ticket data to vendor payments.
    • Centrally track liabilities to vendors for all tickets in your transportation management system.
    • Build vendor and customer invoices from ticket data by using your configured rates and terms of service.
    Vendors example.
  • Seamlessly manage offsets to payables

    • Record offsetting costs to vendors, such as fuel card advances, directly within your ledger.
    • Avoid over-payment by tracking net payables to your vendors.
    • Automatically send vendors a statement of every payment, detailing their earnings, offsets, and applicable charges and fees.
    Contra APs example.
  • Easily pay your vendors via digital ACH

    • Pay your vendors directly from the platform at any time with digital ACH options.
    • Configure Early Pay fees to vendors getting paid in accelerated terms.
    • Work with a factor to fill your Talipay Wallet using your factoring advances.
    Vendors example.
Photo of Olivier Smith

Book a demo with Olivier!

Schedule a quick 30-minute demo with Oli and learn how Talipay can remove tedious tasks, save your team hours of work and even unlock early payments for your vendors!

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